Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good Bye

I never have to see her again! Even though it makes my Blog redundant, I am cheered. All right, no Polar Bear but they must have listened to me. The power of the web is truly amazing.

In my own little world I take full responsibility for this. I did it!

All kudos, accolades, presents, tributes and cash greatly accepted.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Can I Still Hate Her If She Is Insane?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Reason 24 - Slantiness

I don't have great posture myself, I tend to hunch my shoulders and slouch but at least I am level. Ana Lucia, seems to be slanted. If she had one leg shorter than the other, I wouldn't be bothered but her slantiness seems to shift from side to side. Didn't they teach her to stand up straight in Cop School? I think she probably failed 'Standing At Attention 101'.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Reason 23 - Panting

A few posts back I said I would kill to have her body. I take that back now. Why hnnnnh does she hnnnnh have hnnnnh to hnnnnnh take a hnnnnh breath hnnnnnh after hnnnnnh every hnnnnh word? She sounds like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle. Maybe they should get her Locke's wheelchair.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reason 22 - Bare Faced Cheek

"Hi, less than a week ago I killed the love of your life, want to run off on a fool's errand with me?" OK - I have issues with Sayid for going but man she is cheeky.

Friday, March 24, 2006

I Am Sawyer!

Who are you?

Lost Character Quiz

Friday, March 17, 2006


I must admit that I lifted this one from Television Without Pity but it is too funny. Here is their take on the scene where Jin goes fishing with Bernard and Ana-Lucia.

"Jin shakes his head, says something in Korean. Ana-Lucia does that loud, over-enunciation thing you do when you're an asshole and you're talking to someone you think is stupid because they don't speak English: "Does it look like I speak Korean?" she yells. No, but you're clearly fluent in Ugly American. Jin casts his net upon the waters and draws it in, filled with some sort of red fish. "Fish," he says pointedly at Ana-Lucia, who is now all smiles. Bernard could stand to look a little more impressed, though. "