Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Reason 20 - She's A Bully

Have been trolling through past episodes looking for more reasons to dislike her and came up with this one;

Not too long after the time she hit Sawyer on the head with a rock (what a bitch) she slapped him and then stomped on his bullet wound havin' shoulder. If that is not a bully tactic what is?

Pick on someone of your own health why doncha?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, Ana Lucia SHOULD NOT BE EATEN BY A POLAR BEAR! I really like the Ana Lucia character and the only reason she hit Sawyer was because the tailies suspected Jin, Michael & Sawyer to be 'Others.' They didn't realize the fuselage passengers survived. The tailies were attacked the first night. That would make me paranoid of people outside my group too. Especially since they had a mole in their midst. So what would YOU think? Everyone hates Ana Lucia but I DON'T. And I am sick and tired of fans slamming her. She's assertive, strong willed and protective of the tailies. But no one takes the time to take THAT into consideration. She is NOT trigger happy as everyone says. She carries it for protection. If anyone should be swallowed whole by a polar bear, its Kate - now she's a real manipulative bitch. I couldn't stand her since the Lost pilot. I know Ana Lucia could take her but she's above sinking to the level of trash. Had a guy taken charge of the tailies then right away everyone would accept it. But when its a strong assertive woman she's considered a bitch. Hypocrites. Fans should really give her character a chance. She'll be an asset to the losties going to war against the Others.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Dear "Anonymous" - Take a deep breath. Have a laugh. This is not a personal attack on you. Why are you taking this so personally. Are you Michelle Rodriguez?

10:46 AM  

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