Monday, February 20, 2006

Reason 19 - You're S.W.A.T. or You're Not

She's not. If Samuel L was leading the tailees, they would have kicked The Others mutha%^$£&** asses from one %^$£"$%^ end of the %^$£"!^ island to the other. If Colin was in charge they may have lost the same amount of people but all the girls would have gone out happy and the guys would have a new drinking buddy. If LL had been in charge, we would have gotten to see some fantastic abs. Even turncoat Josh managed to not kill any of his own people.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Reason 18 - Condescending Bitch

"They aren't scared enough". Well the surest way to ensure everyone is scared out of their wits is to give her a gun and put her in charge. Let's review her track record - 14 people from the tail survive the crash, she gets put in charge and 4 survive. Hmmmmmm. I think I'd take my chances on the beach. Especially since there is a new sheriff in town.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Hope They Use A Polar Bear

Has it worked, are they listening to me? But what will I write about if they kill her off?